Thursday, June 04, 2009

Because It's E3 Time

In cleaning out the old email filters I came across this bit of fun. It reminded me that for every Docker-wearing 28 year-old pacing the floor at E3 with his slicked-back hair, a vendor tag announcing 'iSomething' or 'eSomething', and a snappy patter that includes 'convergence' - there's a legion of schmucks who'll believe it.


David Webb said...

Have you seen this Slate video about E3? It gets really funny at 1:26 and 2:00. Holy crap, "augmented reality". Cause your imagination sucks.

David Webb said...

Missed the link to their website.

Crazylegs said...

I find Tylenol mixed with whatever's in the liqour cabinet to be a cheap and effective path to augmented reality.

David Webb said...

The old ways are best.