I'm feeling like a stalker these days. I'm talking, of course, about my recent forays into the worlds of Facebook and Twitter. It's a bit of a lark - just seeing what all the fuss is about. I'm finding that while I have nothing very compelling to say, I'm really not alone there. The up-side is that the whole experience feeds the minimal attention-span I've honed to a fine edge on a steady diet of Sesame Street re-runs and random YouTube searching.
So here's the thing: I'm lazy about finding online friends. In my laziness, I'm leaning on some of the Usual Suspects who form the core of like-minded wiseacres to whom I tend to gravitate in cyberspace. Said another way, they're the folks who are silly enough to (1) let me post comments on their much-better blogs and (2) make themselves easily found elsewhere on the Innertubes. So now I'm showing up on Facebook and Twitter like a creepy version of whack-a-mole, and I'm leaving little messages on their Walls and following their Tweets. Every click of the 'OK' button brings the giddy anticipation of Wilde-ian repartee followed by the dismal self-doubt that maybe I'm just another ant at the picnic.
I'm not sure how long this will last. The pressure to feed personal commentary into the great maw of social networking might overwhelm my fundamental laziness. But if you see that I'm becoming a pest (and you know who you are), just know that it's all for science. And for the rest of you, you can find me on Facebook over here and on Twitter over there. And if neither of those work for you, there's always email.