Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Old Tech Lazy-Ass Me

Okay, so I didn't post new pics in a day or two like I said I would. Other than a few Twitter and Facebook updates, I didn't post anything else here while I was away.

Wanna know why?

Number 1 - I found out how lazy I can be. Schleping through central Florida all day long takes it toll on my 47 year-old frame, it seems. Writing something longer than 140-ish characters just felt like work.

Number 2 - Mid-week I switched to an old CF-format camera for still photos. The pics are nice, but the laptop we took along don't know from CF cards. They're made of birchbark or something.

But I will post some Florida stuff here over the next few days. That's a promise.

Just a taste (for Jim Dandy) - The new TTA spiel sucks donkey ass (yeah, I went there). It's bland - like Disney Channel bland. The voice talent is as generically-exciting as oatmeal without the Bailey's. There is no "paging Mr. Tom Morrow". There's nothing but a fucking advertisement for Tomorrowland without any attempt at entertainment.

1 comment:

David Webb said...

Sad to hear that about the TTA. Makes me miss the PeopleMover all the more.

Forget the tech, just hang out by the pool.