Wednesday, September 03, 2008

For The Lack of a TARDIS

Since no one is mailing me cool toys to divert my attention, I have a large mouthful of "fuck you's" to share. So here's one.

A big 'fuck you' goes out to the 20-something knob in the red, late-model Mazda with the sunroof. Tossing your empty beverage cup out the sunroof may have impressed the girl in the passenger seat, but it just makes you look stupid. But don't lose any sleep - I picked it up for you.


And your plate starts with 177.


Pagan Mnemosyne said...

Isn't that wonderful when you see that? Oh, to be the Flash. Race up, grab the beverage cup, race to the car and shove it up his ass would be so sweet. But I don't think the Flash would do that.

Professor Zoom, on the other hand...

David said...

Impulse would have...

I am afraid I am out of TARDISes to send... but I'll keep my eyes open for you.